Does anyone know if Fastweb scholarships are trustworthy? (2024)



4 answers, 32 votes

2 years ago

Does anyone know if Fastweb scholarships are trustworthy? (1)

Paying for College

I signed up for Fastweb scholarships and now they email constantly promising thousands of dollars. It seems like a scam, does anyone know more?






Does anyone know if Fastweb scholarships are trustworthy? (2)

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60 answers, 103 votes

2 years ago

Fastweb is a trustworthy website that's been around for 20 years. The scholarships are probably not a scam, but are probably very competitive. Ways to look out for scholarship scams is if they guarantee that you'll get the money, if there are fees to apply, if they say it's a limited time offer, if they try to gather very personal information, if they don't have any contact info, and if they seem to be open to anyone. You should also look at the testimonials of past winners to see if it seems faked or not.


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Does anyone know if Fastweb scholarships are trustworthy? (3)

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Does anyone know if Fastweb scholarships are trustworthy? (2024)
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