FDA pulls all JUUL products off shelves (2024)

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - The crown jewel of vaping will no longer be available in North Central Florida.

The Food andDrug Administration banned all JUUL products.

The e-cigarette product fueled the teen vape surge.

One of the main reasons the FDA is banning JUUL, is because its ingredients do not meet the regulations of the FDA.

“I think it’ll definitely impact them slightly. I feel like we have so many disposables. There are so many other forms of vape now. So they’re popular still, but they’re not as popular as they used to be. So, I feel like it will not affect sales too much,” said Smoke City sales associate Babar Rash*t.

FDA agents say they recognize JUUL e-cigarettes have played a disproportionate role in the rise in young people vaping.

“I think its a good idea. There are safety concerns as far as, it exploding and children are getting hurt. Then it seems like they tend to advertise toward the younger crowd, " said Mother Terra Williams.

Right now the JUUL still makes up for almost 50% of the U.S. E-cigarette market. It once controlled more than 75%.

Some people feel banning the JUUL is not going to make a difference.

“Honestly don’t think that it’s going to impact much. If you just take away one option, considering a lot of people, it’s easy to take places. A lot of kids are and people are going for more, flavored things in general,” said ResidentAlexander Hentges.

The FDA also laid out plans to establish a maximum nicotine level for certain tobacco products to reduce their addictiveness on Tuesday.

FDA Officials also said they invested in a multimedia public education campaign geared toward warning young people about the potential risks of e-cigarette use.

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FDA pulls all JUUL products off shelves (2024)
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