Five Reasons not to move to the Cloud - DCResponse (2024)

Five Reasons not to move to the Cloud - DCResponse (1)It has been said around the business and IT community that 2018 is time to move to the cloud. On paper, the cloud seems an ideal solution when compared to a data centre. No one should believe that by simply by switching applications and storage to the cloud, that suddenly every problem will solve itself. Businesses need to think through these decisions and only adopt what makes sense.

With this in mind, here are five reasons why you should not move to the cloud.


This subject is on many of people’s minds, as we constantly hear about large corporations being hacked, let alone all the smaller ones we do not know about. Now that is not to say cloud based solutions are not safe. It is just thatrelying on third-party vendors can be risky. The best providers will use the very latest in encryption and security technology, but even the most modern systems sometimes fail. If you mistakenly choose an inexperienced vendor, you risk having all your important information damaged, lost, or even stolen. The businesses that are most at risk are ones that have important, sensitive information that needs to be kept secure.

Network Capacity

Using the cloud will require a strong, capable network. Businesses will need to make sure they have the speeds and capacity to handle heavier server loads. Otherwise, running your application and accessing documents, as well as other online services like internet use or video streaming, will slow the whole system to a crawl. That can prove to be a very frustrating thing for employees, not to mention decrease productivity. Traditional solutions significantly cut down the load your network must bear.


Photoshop, InDesign and CAD products, etc. generate huge files and moving that data up and down an internet connection means either poor productivity or a very expensive internet connection. If your applications do a lot of automated graphics rendering or you need real-time visibility, you really should not go into the cloud. Other examples include share trading, air traffic control and weather forecasting.

Connection Issues

Even if your network can handle the extra load, you still need to consider connection issues. When you go to cloud storage, your business is at the mercy of its IT service provider. If the server goes down, you go down. Even today, there are still reliability problems with cloud servers, and even the best vendors will experience it. If your organisation is considering moving to the cloud, make sure it has a backup plan ready that will help you remain productive during downtime.

Cost and ROI

Supporters of cloud storage always point to cost saving benefits when arguing in favour of cloud based solutions. In addition, there are many cost savings associated withcloud storage, but that does not mean you will see instant savings. Theall in costto migrate and operate applications using cloud based solutions can be very expensive, even more, expensive than your current solutions. Not to mention cloud costs continue to add up over time as you pay recurring fees to the provider. If you have enough start-up capital, you could save a lot of money down the road by building your own business network. If you are only considering the cloud to save money, you may want to look into it a little further.

Cloud computing is not a bad thing and has manygreat benefits. The important thing to remember is to explore the issue. Take the time to understand the technology and study providers with a proven track record. Make sure you understand exactly why you are changing. Make sure it is because there are gains that will further your business, instead of wanting to follow the latest trend.

If you are looking to build a data centre instead of going to the cloud, please contact us.

Five Reasons not to move to the Cloud - DCResponse (2024)


What is not a reason to move to the cloud? ›

Considerations: Security concerns - some organizations are concerned about the security of their data in the cloud and the potential for data breaches. Dependence on a third party - when you move to the cloud, you are relying on a third-party provider for the availability and retrieval of your data.

What should not be moved to the cloud? ›

Security problems

In my experience, software that is not secure or only partially secure carries other problems that make it unsuitable for an enterprise. Moving to the cloud will give you options to improve security, but running insecure software in the cloud is as bad as running it on-premises.

What is the downside of cloud migration? ›

Disadvantages of Migrating from Legacy Systems to the Cloud

These challenges include: Security concerns: Some businesses may have security concerns about migrating to the cloud. This is because cloud providers have access to their data. Data migration costs: Migrating data to the cloud can be expensive.

Why not go to cloud? ›

generate huge files and moving that data up and down an internet connection means either poor productivity or a very expensive internet connection. If your applications do a lot of automated graphics rendering or you need real-time visibility, you really should not go into the cloud.

What are 3 disadvantages of the cloud? ›

Disadvantages of cloud computing
  • data loss or theft.
  • data leakage.
  • account or service hijacking.
  • insecure interfaces and APIs.
  • denial of service attacks.
  • technology vulnerabilities, especially in shared environments.

Who shouldn't use cloud computing? ›

Companies with Significant Software or Application Use that Want to Maintain Inhouse Controls. Large companies often have complex operations with many users, hundreds of software applications, and many varying infrastructure needs. As such, relying on a public cloud can make accommodating this very challenging.

What are 5 disadvantages of cloud? ›

Businesses can be impacted by the disadvantages of cloud computing in the aforementioned ways, like increasing security and privacy concerns, a growing number of data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive information, constant downtime, limited customization capabilities and lack of flexibility, vendor lock-in, ...

What are 5 disadvantages of cloud storage? ›

Below are the disadvantages of cloud storage:
  • Vulnerability. The majority of PCs and servers that save data require an internet connection. ...
  • Internet Dependency. The internet starts to be reliant on your storage. ...
  • Issues in Security and Privacy. ...
  • Limitations on Control. ...
  • Cost. ...
  • Migration. ...
  • Regulatory Compliances. ...
  • Minimal Support.
Feb 21, 2023

What is the biggest risk with cloud? ›

Top 7 Risks of Cloud Computing
  1. Lack of Visibility. ...
  2. Cloud Misconfigurations. ...
  3. Data Loss. ...
  4. Accidental Data Exposure. ...
  5. Identity Theft. ...
  6. Insecure Integration and APIs. ...
  7. Data Sovereignty.

What are the pros and cons of moving to the cloud? ›

Let's see the pros and cons.
  • Pro: Greater Efficiency with the Cloud. ...
  • Pro: The Cloud Provides Easy Accessibility. ...
  • Pro: Centralized Data in the Cloud. ...
  • Pro: Flexibility and Scalability in the Cloud. ...
  • Pro: The Cloud is Based on Reliable Technology. ...
  • Con: Cloud Can be Costly. ...
  • Con: Accessing the Cloud Requires High-Speed Internet.
Sep 25, 2019

What are two disadvantages of cloud storage? ›

Pros and Cons of Cloud Storage Back
  • Advantage #1: Disaster Recovery (DR) ...
  • Advantage #2: Access your data anywhere. ...
  • Advantage #3: Low cost. ...
  • Advantage #4: Scalability. ...
  • Advantage #5: Security. ...
  • Disadvantage #1: Lack of total control. ...
  • Disadvantage #2: Difficult to migrate. ...
  • Disadvantage #3: Requires Internet.

Are the cons of cloud computing? ›

One minor drawback to cloud computing is the fact that it's completely reliant on the internet. If your internet connection goes down, you won't have access to data stored in the cloud for the duration of the outage. However, an internet interruption won't destroy or compromise your data stored in the cloud.

Why are people moving away from cloud? ›

The most common motivator for repatriation I've been seeing is cost. In the survey, more than 43% of IT leaders found that moving applications and data from on-premises to the cloud was more expensive than expected.

Should we move to the cloud? ›

Reduce IT Costs

One of the more common reasons why organizations embark on a cloud migration is to reduce IT infrastructure costs. In the cloud, IT leaders can easily right-size computing resources according to unique business requirements and cut wasteful spending.

When should you not use cloud services? ›

The biggest concern of cloud technology is the security of your files. Unless you are implementing steps to encrypt your data, a break in the Cloud's security could allow hackers to view your files. If a hacker takes control of your cloud storage provider, you risk losing access to the files you have uploaded.

Why would you move to cloud? ›

Reduce IT Costs

One of the more common reasons why organizations embark on a cloud migration is to reduce IT infrastructure costs. In the cloud, IT leaders can easily right-size computing resources according to unique business requirements and cut wasteful spending.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.