Foot Placement In Stirrups: How Far Should Your Feet Go in? (2024)

How often do you think about where your feet sit in the stirrups?

It’s one of those elements that might not grab the spotlight but trust me, it’s a small, but important piece of the puzzle when it comes to the foundation for a safe and effective ride.

I had an ‘aha’ moment that changed my riding, and it wasn’t from a riding lesson—it was through experience and a tip from a book.

I used to struggle with tension in my ankles and knees, my legs would fatigue quickly, and when my legs would tire enough my ankles would almost collapse and roll in rather uncomfortably. This discomfort was all because I had been placing my stirrups too close to my toes, aligning them with the toe line of my boots.

This made for a tense and tiring ride, without me even realizing that a big part of the problem was my stirrup placement.

Everything started to change when I encountered a piece of advice from Sally Swift, the mastermind behind the Centered Riding books. I decided to go against my usual practice and what I was taught to follow her suggestion. I allowed my foot to slide deeper into the stirrup, searching for what is known as the ‘balance point’—and just like that, I felt an improvement.

I was more stable, yet had more spring in my joints, my toes were less tense, and my legs were no longer tiring as quickly.

Fast forward… Throughout my teaching career, I observed a variety of foot placements among riders—some shoved their feet through too far, while others not far enough.

However it’s important to know, that stirrup placement is more than just how far in or out your foot is. Another important consideration is the angle of your stirrup beneath your foot.

It’s essential to not overlook the significance of foot placement. It’s more than just an aesthetic aspect; it’s about your overall riding experience, your safety, stability, comfort, and how you communicate with your horse.

What You Will Learn In This Post:

  • Understand how foot position affects your balance and coordination while riding.
  • Discover your foot’s balance point for the best stirrup placement.
  • How to put your foot in the stirrup for correct foot placement.
  • Know the risks of wrong foot placement and ride safer.
  • Exercises to improve foot placement.

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Finding the Balance Point on Your Foot

For a ride that’s both comfortable and secure, knowing where your foot’s balance point is in the stirrup is a game changer. It’s not just about plopping your foot in and hoping for the best. There’s a special spot on your foot called the balance point. That’s the golden zone for stirrup placement.

The ‘balance point’ is the spot on your foot where you are equally balanced between the heel and toe. This is different for everyone, and you may need to experiment in the saddle a bit to find your own balance point. Once you’ve found it, though, it’s important to maintain that placement in the stirrup throughout your ride.

Riding with your feet on the balance point can make such a difference in your riding.

To find this balance point, take off your shoes and socks (I say this assuming you probably will be doing this at home).

Feel around your foot to find the dip just past the arch and right before the ball of your foot, lined up between your first two toes.

That’s the spot you want resting on the stirrup. Stirrups come in all shapes and sizes, but the important thing is to keep this balance point where your foot sits on the stirrup.

How To Make Sure Your Foot Sits Perfectly In The Stirrup

Step 1:Check that the inside of the stirrup-which is the side closer to the horse-is lined up with the balance point under your foot.

Then remember I mentioned that there is more to stirrup placement than how far your foot sits in the stirrup.

Step 2:Next, we are going to angle the stirrups. Move the outside edge of the stirrup at a slight angle closer to your pinky toe.

Step 3:Try to recognize and get used to the feeling of this new way of having your feet in the stirrups.

Step 4:Practice taking your feet out and putting them back in. It will take time to develop the muscle memory to get your feet placed in the stirrups like this without looking down and checking them.

Why Do We Angle The Stirrups?

Angling the stirrup slightly towards the pinky toe, as opposed to having it flat across the ball of the foot, is important for several reasons:

  • Natural Foot Alignment:This angle aligns with the natural angle of the foot when a rider’s leg hangs relaxed from the hip. It supports the natural position of the foot, allowing for better balance and a more effective leg aid.
  • Ease of Movement:It facilitates the correct pivoting of the foot, which is necessary for the subtle shifts in weight and balance that occur during various riding maneuvers.
  • Stirrup Retention:A slight angle helps to keep the stirrup on the foot during movement. It helps prevent the foot from slipping through the stirrup, which can be dangerous.
  • Ankle Comfort:Angling the stirrup can reduce the strain on the ankle by allowing it to flex naturally. It helps in preventing the ankle from locking or becoming strained, which can happen if the stirrup lies too flat.
  • Effective Communication:A slight angle aids in applying precise leg pressures, as the rider can use the inside of the foot and calf more efficiently to give cues to the horse.
  • Quick Release:In case of a fall, the angled position can assist in a quicker release of the foot from the stirrup, which is a safety measure to prevent dragging.
  • Improved Stability:The slight angle allows for a more secure ‘home base’ on the stirrup, from which the rider can adjust their weight distribution as needed for different riding tasks.

Consequences of Incorrect Foot Placement

The impact of not placing your foot in the stirrup correctly is substantial.

If your feet are too far forward or back in the stirrup, it can make it hard to balance and cause you to grip your knees or thighs in order to stay in the saddle. This can lead to a number of problems, including tired legs, a loss of communication with the horse, and even pain in your back and pelvis.

Too Far In:

  • Risk of Dragging:A foot that’s too far through the stirrup could get caught in the event of a fall, increasing the risk of being dragged by the horse and suffering serious injuries.
  • Loss of Shock Absorption:Over-inserting the foot into the stirrup restricts the ankles’ natural shock absorption, leading to a rigid posture that can throw off the rider’s balance.
  • Poor Alignment:Such foot placement can lead to misalignment throughout the rider’s body, disturbing the horse’s balance and the rider’s seat.
  • Communication Breakdown:Effective communication via leg aids is key. If the stirrup sits too far along the foot, giving clear and precise cues becomes challenging, potentially confusing the horse and affecting its performance.

Too Far Out:

  • Losing Stirrups:A foot that’s not far enough into the stirrup risks slipping out, particularly during intense riding, posing a danger if the rider is unprepared to ride without stirrups.
  • Ineffective Leg Aids:The correct foot position is essential for applying leg aids. Too little foot in the stirrup compromises the rider’s ability to exert proper pressure or communicate effectively.
  • Impaired Stability:Insufficient foot in the stirrup weakens the rider’s base of support, impacting overall stability and security in the saddle.
  • Physical Strain:This incorrect position increases tension in the foot, ankle, and leg, leading to rapid fatigue, discomfort, and potentially chronic injuries.

Importance of Foot Position for Effective Leg Aids

The position of the foot in the stirrup is a key factor in the effectiveness of leg aids. It influences the rider’s balance, the suppleness of the leg joints, and the clarity of communication through the leg aids. By maintaining the correct position, the rider can deliver leg aids that are consistent, clear, and in harmony with the horse’s movement.

Here’s how the correct foot position impacts leg aids:

  • Creates Balance and Stability:The correct foot position allows for a balanced seat, which is the foundation of effective leg aids. When the stirrup is placed just behind the ball of the foot, it enables the rider to maintain a vertical line from hip to heel, contributing to overall stability.
  • Allows For Shock Absorption:With the stirrup positioned behind the ball of the foot, the rider’s ankle acts as a shock absorber. This is important because it allows the leg to move fluidly with the horse’s motion without stiffness. If the leg is stiff, the aids can be too forceful or unclear.
  • Allows For Greater Range of Motion:Proper placement prevents the joints from locking or reaching their maximum range of motion. This is important because a locked joint cannot absorb movement effectively, which can lead to tense and ineffective aids.
  • Creates Soft Joints:By avoiding pushing the heel down excessively, which happens when the stirrup is too far forward on the foot, the rider maintains softness in the hips, knees, and ankles. Soft joints allow for subtle and nuanced leg aids, which are essential for sensitive communication with the horse.
  • Better Leg Contact:A correct foot position supports stable and consistent leg contact with the horse’s sides. This is vital for the horse to receive and respond to the leg aids properly. If the rider’s leg is swinging or bouncing, the aids will be inconsistent and confusing to the horse.
  • Avoiding Unintended Aids: If the stirrup is too far forward, the natural response of the body to push against the stirrup can lead to unintentional and constant pressure on the horse’s sides, which can dull the horse’s responsiveness to leg aids.
  • Clearer Communication:When the rider’s leg is correctly positioned, it allows for precise and intentional application of leg aids. The rider can apply pressure, release it, or use the leg in a more dynamic way as needed.

Impact of Foot Placement on Rider’s Balance and Coordination

The way a rider places their foot in the stirrup creates a domino effect that can enhance or hinder their balance, coordination, and overall effectiveness as a rider.

Stability:The ball of the foot on the stirrup serves as a pivot point. When correctly placed, it allows for better stability, as the rider can adjust their balance more effectively in response to the horse’s movements.

Joint Functionality:Proper stirrup placement allows the rider’s joints to stay soft and absorb motion. This softness is necessary for balance as it enables the rider to move with the horse rather than against it.

Proper Alignment:Proper foot placement aligns the rider’s leg so that the ankle is directly beneath the hip. This alignment is essential for a balanced seat, as distributes the rider’s weight evenly through their seat bones and down their legs. This also allows the knee and hip to open naturally, promoting a secure, upright posture.

Heel Position:Some riders tend to ride with their heels too high or too low, which can create tension and affect balance. Proper foot placement helps to naturally level the foot with the ground, allowing for a ‘soft ankle’ that can adapt and provide the necessary depth of the heel for different riding activities, like jumping.

Preventing Overextension:When the stirrup is on the ball of the foot, riders often subconsciously push down as if standing up from a chair, causing the ankle, knee, and hip joints to lock. This limits the natural movement and can unbalance the rider, especially if the horse changes rhythm or direction suddenly.

Finding Comfort and Safety in Proper Foot Placement

Maintaining the correct foot position in the stirrups, with appropriate pressure, ensures that the rider’s body is correctly aligned, relaxed, and ready to respond to the horse’s movement, making the riding experience both comfortable and safe.

  • Creates Anchoring and Stability:Proper placement of the foot in the stirrup anchors the rider and provides stability. This helps in maintaining balance and control, which are essential for safety.

A quick note about “control”:Maintaining control in the context of horseback riding refers to the rider’s ability to influence and direct the horse’s movements effectively.

  • Once Again Shock Absorption:This reduces the impact on the rider’s joints and the horse’s back, increasing comfort and preventing injuries.
  • Effective Communication:This clear communication can prevent misunderstandings that might lead to unsafe situations.
  • Avoiding Dragging:If a rider falls, a foot that’s not properly placed can get caught in the stirrup, which could lead to being dragged by the horse. Proper placement reduces the chance of the foot becoming trapped.
  • Reducing Tension:This tension can lead to muscle fatigue, reducing the rider’s ability to ride safely over time.
  • Overall Alignment:Misalignment caused by incorrect foot placement can lead to poor posture, which not only affects comfort but can also make it difficult to respond quickly in an emergency.

Exercises To Improve Foot Position In Stirrups

Practicing these exercises regularly, both off and on the horse, will help in creating muscle memory for the correct foot placement in stirrups.

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To help improve foot position in stirrups, the following exercises:

  1. Barefoot Balance Practice:
    • Start barefoot to get a tactile sense of your feet.
    • Identify the arch of your foot and the balance point just after the arch ends, before the ball of the foot, aligned with the second toe.
    • Press down on this spot to ensure it feels like the natural indentation, which is the balance point.
  2. Simulated Stirrup Exercise:
    • Use a small raised surface, like a step or a book, to simulate the stirrup.
    • Place the balance point of your foot on the edge of the surface, not the ball of the foot.
    • Note how your heel naturally drops and your ankle comfortably flexes.
  3. Shift and Compare:
    • Alternate between placing the balance point and just the ball of the foot on the surface to understand the contrast and tension each position creates.
  4. Balance Beam Exercise:
    • Walk on a piece of wood or a thick rope on the ground, focusing on feeling the pressure just behind the ball of your foot.
  5. Stair Step Exercise:
    • Stand on a step with the front half of your foot on the edge, letting your heels hang off.
    • Press down gently to mimic the flexion required in the saddle.
  6. Off-Horse Balancing:
    • While barefoot, practice finding and maintaining the balance point during daily activities to enhance foot awareness.

Tips For Achieving a Balanced Seat

To achieve a balanced seat in the saddle, it’s essential to consider several factors, from stirrup placement to your posture and alignment.

Here are some tips that can help you find that balance:

  • Stirrup Length:Incorrect stirrup length can throw off your balance. Adjust the stirrup length so that when you are seated in the saddle, the bottom of the stirrup touches your ankle bone. This provides a good starting point, though adjustments may be needed based on your leg length and the type of riding you are doing.
  • Foot Position:Place the stirrup on your foot just behind the ball of your foot. This allows your leg to act as a shock absorber and prevents you from bracing against the stirrup, which can cause stiffness in your joints.
  • Heel Position:Keep your heels slightly lower than your toes. However, avoid forcing the heel down, as this can create tension. Your heel should be down naturally due to the weight of your leg.
  • Leg Contact:Your leg should maintain a gentle, consistent contact with the horse’s side. This helps with stability and aids communication with your horse.
  • Hip, Knee, and Ankle Alignment:Align your hip, knee, and ankle vertically when viewed from the side. This alignment contributes to a secure, balanced seat and effective shock absorption.
  • Posture:Sit up straight, but remain relaxed. Imagine a straight line running from your ear, through your shoulder and hip, to your heel. Avoid rigidity—your body should move with the horse.
  • Core Engagement:Use your core muscles to stabilize your upper body. This doesn’t mean tensing up; rather, it’s about maintaining a firm but supple core to support your balance.
  • Breathing:Breathe deeply and regularly. Holding your breath can lead to tension, which disrupts balance.
  • Eye Position:Look in the direction you are going. This helps maintain balance and directs your horse effectively.
  • Practice:Like any skill, achieving a balanced seat takes practice. Work on these elements consistently, and consider exercises off the horse that improve your strength, flexibility, and body awareness.


How does foot placement in stirrups affect the ride?

Foot placement in stirrups affects the ride by influencing the rider’s balance, stability, joint mobility, and ability to absorb the horse’s movements effectively.

How do I find the balance point on my foot?

To find the balance point on your foot, locate the ball of your foot and place the stirrup just behind it. This allows for a slight flexion in your ankle and a natural, balanced posture.

What are the consequences of incorrect foot placement?

The consequences of incorrect foot placement include increased tension in the leg, a higher risk of the foot getting caught in the stirrup during a fall, reduced shock absorption, and less effective communication with the horse.

How does foot position affect leg aids?

Foot position affects leg aids by determining the rider’s ability to apply pressure accurately and subtly. The correct placement allows for softer, more flexible joints, which facilitate clearer aids.

How can I ensure comfort and safety in foot placement?

To ensure comfort and safety in foot placement, make sure that the stirrup lies just behind the ball of your foot, allowing your heels to lower naturally, without forcing, and maintain your foot parallel to the horse’s side.


Wrapping up, you’ve now unlocked the essentials of stirrup placement—a vital skill for any rider aiming for a secure, comfortable, and effective journey on horseback. The ‘balance point’ is your stirrup sweet spot, and a slight stirrup angle towards your pinky toe sets the stage for enhanced stability and communication.

Take this knowledge to heart:

  • Find your personal balance point.
  • Adjust and angle your stirrups for better foot alignment.
  • Practice the new placement until it’s a natural part of your riding routine.

Ready to improve your ride? Put these tips into action and feel the positive change in your riding experience. It’s time to saddle up with confidence and enjoy the ride!

Cheers, Kacey

Disclaimer Notice: Please be aware that horseback riding and related equestrian activities carry inherent risks. The advice and experiences shared on this blog are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional training or advice. Ensure your safety and that of your horse by wearing appropriate gear, practicing safe horse handling, and consulting with certified equestrian professionals. Remember, each horse is unique, and techniques may vary accordingly. Always prioritize safety, respect, and patience in your equestrian endeavors.

Foot Placement In Stirrups: How Far Should Your Feet Go in? (2024)
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