How clear Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification (DP 100) Exam (2024)

How clear Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification (DP 100) Exam (1)

Hello everyone!

If you're interested in becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist, I have a quick guide to help you prepare for the Azure Data Scientist Certification (DP-100), which I used to successfully pass the exam.

The DP-100 exam tests your knowledge of Machine Learning and Data Processing techniques using Azure Machine Learning Studio. The exam includes various question formats, such as multiple choice (single answer and multiple answers), drop down, matching, rearrange in correct form, and fill in the blank (missing code). Compared to other machine learning exams, the DP-100 exam is not too difficult. If you know how to create a machine learning model using the pandas and Scikit-learn libraries, you can pass the exam with ease.

Now let's look at the which topics are important for this exam:

  1. Explore and analyze data with pandas
  2. Train and evaluate Regression ml model
  3. Train and Evaluate Classification ml model
  4. Train and evaluate clustering model
  5. Azure Automated Machine Learning
  6. Train ml models using Azure ML Designer (ML Pipelines)
  7. Train ml models using Azure ML SDK
  8. Orchestrate ML pipelines using Azure ML SDK
  9. Manage Data, Compute using Azure ML SDK
  10. Deploy and monitor models in real time and batch inference
  11. Model Explainability, Data drift monitoring and security concepts in ML
  12. Build ML models with Azure Databricks

The best learning resource to follow is the modules from Microsoft learn website which covers everything.

For Exam dumps and questions, follow the Examtopics modules

You can also follow Udemy courses for DP-100 exams if you want.

Thank you and best of luck for your exam.

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How clear Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification (DP 100) Exam (2024)
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