How do you answer a History essay question in the exam? (2024)

Firstly, your introduction should follow the 'BFL' system. You should begin by giving the relevant Background to the topic of the question. For example, if your question asks you to give the reasons for the growth of German nationalism in 1815-1850, you should give a brief background on the situation in Germany during this time period. Next is the Factors of your introduction. You should mention all the factors you will use in your essay, which will form the body paragraphs. Three factors is a good number. The final part of your introduction should mention your Line of argument. Here, you must make a decision on what you think the answer is, and you must remember to keep to this argument throughout your essay.Secondly, your body paragraphs should follow the 'PEA' system. After introducing the factor you will discuss in your body paragraph, the next sentence should be the 'Point' of the factor. Then, you should Explain your point - what other relevant details are needed to elaborate your point further? If you can think of any relevant evidence to add, such as statistics, add it here. Finally, you should Analyse your Point and Explanation, by tying all the information you have offered into your argument. Repeat this a few times for each body paragraph. For extra marks, you could also offer an opposing argument to the one you have given, then rebut the opposing view, and explain why your own view is better. Remember - while it is good to be knowledgeable, do not spend too much time describing historical events! Then, in your conclusion, you should summarise all the main points of your essay, giving a brief explanation as to how all this information answered the question and proved your argument.

How do you answer a History essay question in the exam? (2024)
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