Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland - Fastepo (2024)

Ireland boasts a cadre of esteemed universities, including Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and the National University of Ireland. This post is designed to shed light on how PhD students and postdoc salary in Ireland can anticipate their salaries.

As an Irish PhD or Postdoc, What’s Your Earning Potential?

In Ireland, much like in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Norway, France, Netherlands and the UK., PhD students and postdocs are typically employed by universities on fixed-term contracts. While Irish universities often reference the IUA Researcher Salary Guidelines (salary scales) when determining salaries, it’s important to note that these guidelines are not compulsory and hold no legal basis.

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Academic Salaries Before Tax in Ireland

PhD students in Ireland typically receive a fixed scholarship (varies depending on the source), although some may secure research assistant positions. Scholarship amounts for PhD students and Postdocs in Ireland generally fall within the range of €16,000 per annum. Research assistant positions, on the other hand, offer gross salaries ranging from €21,000 to €34,000 per annum.

Postdocs, understandably, command higher base salaries. Gross salaries for Postdocs start at €36,000 and can reach €47,000 per annum in exceptional cases. The level of salary is contingent on funding availability, the researcher’s experience, and the discipline.

PhD and Postdoc Salaries After Tax in Ireland

Ireland’s taxation system is highly individualized. In general, deductions from your gross salary in Ireland include income tax, Pay-Related Social Insurance, Universal Social Charge, and pension contributions. Income tax rates are typically 20% for PhD students (research assistants) and most Postdocs, unless hired with an annual salary exceeding €43,000, where the rate becomes 40%. Notably, these percentages are applied after considering tax relief. For example, for a single worker in Ireland, tax is levied on the gross annual salary minus €3,300. This tax allowance increases if you are married or have dependent children.

As an illustration, if you secure a research assistant position with an annual salary of €28,000, your monthly take-home pay will be around €1,950. For a postdoc employed on a project with an annual salary of €35,000, the net monthly salary will be approximately €2,400.

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Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland - Fastepo (2024)
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