Templates - Azure Pipelines (2024)

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Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Templates let you define reusable content, logic, and parameters in YAML pipelines. To work with templates effectively, you'll need to have a basic understanding of Azure Pipelines key concepts such as stages, steps, and jobs.

Templates can help you speed up development. For example, you can have a series of the same tasks in a template and then include the template multiple times in different stages of your YAML pipeline.

Templates can also help you secure your pipeline. When a template controls what is allowed in a pipeline, the template defines logic that another file must follow. For example, you may want to restrict what tasks are allowed to run. For that scenario, you can use template to prevent someone from successfully running a task that violates your organization's security policies.

There are two types of templates: includes and extends.

  • Includes templates let you insert reusable content with a template. If a template is used to include content, it functions like an include directive in many programming languages. Content from one file is inserted into another file.
  • Extends template control what is allowed in a pipeline. When an extends template controls what is allowed in a pipeline, the template defines logic that another file must follow.

To take full advantage of templates, you should also use template expressions and template parameters.

Imposed limits

Templates and template expressions can cause explosive growth to the size and complexity of a pipeline.To help prevent runaway growth, Azure Pipelines imposes the following limits:

  • No more than 100 separate YAML files may be included (directly or indirectly)
  • No more than 20 levels of template nesting (templates including other templates)
  • No more than 10 megabytes of memory consumed while parsing the YAML (in practice, this is typically between 600 KB - 2 MB of on-disk YAML, depending on the specific features used)

Use templates to define your logic once and then reuse it several times. Templates combine the content of multiple YAML files into a single pipeline. You can pass parameters into a template from your parent pipeline.

Extend from a template

To increase security, you can enforce that a pipeline extends from a particular template. The file start.yml defines the parameter buildSteps, which is then used in the pipeline azure-pipelines.yml.In start.yml, if a buildStep gets passed with a script step, then it is rejected and the pipeline build fails.When extending from a template, you can increase security by adding a required template approval.

# File: start.ymlparameters:- name: buildSteps # the name of the parameter is buildSteps type: stepList # data type is StepList default: [] # default value of buildStepsstages:- stage: secure_buildstage pool: vmImage: windows-latest jobs: - job: secure_buildjob steps: - script: echo This happens before code displayName: 'Base: Pre-build' - script: echo Building displayName: 'Base: Build' - ${{ each step in parameters.buildSteps }}: - ${{ each pair in step }}: ${{ if ne(pair.value, 'CmdLine@2') }}: ${{ pair.key }}: ${{ pair.value }} ${{ if eq(pair.value, 'CmdLine@2') }}: # Step is rejected by raising a YAML syntax error: Unexpected value 'CmdLine@2' '${{ pair.value }}': error - script: echo This happens after code displayName: 'Base: Signing'
# File: azure-pipelines.ymltrigger:- mainextends: template: start.yml parameters: buildSteps: - bash: echo Test #Passes displayName: succeed - bash: echo "Test" displayName: succeed # Step is rejected by raising a YAML syntax error: Unexpected value 'CmdLine@2' - task: CmdLine@2 inputs: script: echo "Script Test" # Step is rejected by raising a YAML syntax error: Unexpected value 'CmdLine@2' - script: echo "Script Test"

Extend from a template with resources

You can also use extends to extend from a template in your Azure pipeline that contains resources.

# File: azure-pipelines.ymltrigger:- noneextends: template: resource-template.yml
# File: resource-template.ymlresources: pipelines: - pipeline: my-pipeline source: sourcePipelinesteps:- script: echo "Testing resource template"

Insert a template

You can copy content from one YAML and reuse it in a different YAML. Copying content from one YAML to another saves you from having to manually include the same logic in multiple places. The include-npm-steps.yml file template contains steps that are reused in azure-pipelines.yml.


Template files need to exist on your filesystem at the start of a pipeline run. You can't reference templates in an artifact.

# File: templates/include-npm-steps.ymlsteps:- script: npm install- script: yarn install- script: npm run compile
# File: azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- job: Linux pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - template: templates/include-npm-steps.yml # Template reference- job: Windows pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - template: templates/include-npm-steps.yml # Template reference

Step reuse

You can insert a template to reuse one or more steps across several jobs.In addition to the steps from the template, each job can define more steps.

# File: templates/npm-steps.ymlsteps:- script: npm install- script: npm test
# File: azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- job: Linux pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - template: templates/npm-steps.yml # Template reference- job: macOS pool: vmImage: 'macOS-latest' steps: - template: templates/npm-steps.yml # Template reference- job: Windows pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - script: echo This script runs before the template's steps, only on Windows. - template: templates/npm-steps.yml # Template reference - script: echo This step runs after the template's steps.

Job reuse

Much like steps, jobs can be reused with templates.

# File: templates/jobs.ymljobs:- job: Ubuntu pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - bash: echo "Hello Ubuntu"- job: Windows pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - bash: echo "Hello Windows"
# File: azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- template: templates/jobs.yml # Template reference

When working with multiple jobs, remember to remove the name of the job in the template file, so as to avoid conflict

# File: templates/jobs.ymljobs:- job: pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - bash: echo "Hello Ubuntu"- job: pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - bash: echo "Hello Windows"
# File: azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- template: templates/jobs.yml # Template reference- template: templates/jobs.yml # Template reference- template: templates/jobs.yml # Template reference

Stage reuse

Stages can also be reused with templates.

# File: templates/stages1.ymlstages:- stage: Angular jobs: - job: angularinstall steps: - script: npm install angular
# File: templates/stages2.ymlstages:- stage: Build jobs: - job: build steps: - script: npm run build
# File: azure-pipelines.ymltrigger:- mainpool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'stages:- stage: Install jobs: - job: npminstall steps: - task: Npm@1 inputs: command: 'install'- template: templates/stages1.yml # Template reference- template: templates/stages2.yml # Template reference

Job, stage, and step templates with parameters

# File: templates/npm-with-params.ymlparameters:- name: name # defaults for any parameters that aren't specified default: ''- name: vmImage default: ''jobs:- job: ${{ parameters.name }} pool: vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }} steps: - script: npm install - script: npm test

When you consume the template in your pipeline, specify values forthe template parameters.

# File: azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- template: templates/npm-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: name: Linux vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'- template: templates/npm-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: name: macOS vmImage: 'macOS-latest'- template: templates/npm-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: name: Windows vmImage: 'windows-latest'

You can also use parameters with step or stage templates.For example, steps with parameters:

# File: templates/steps-with-params.ymlparameters:- name: 'runExtendedTests' # defaults for any parameters that aren't specified type: boolean default: falsesteps:- script: npm test- ${{ if eq(parameters.runExtendedTests, true) }}: - script: npm test --extended

When you consume the template in your pipeline, specify values forthe template parameters.

# File: azure-pipelines.ymlsteps:- script: npm install- template: templates/steps-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: runExtendedTests: 'true'


Scalar parameters without a specified type are treated as strings.For example, eq(true, parameters['myparam']) will return true, even if the myparam parameter is the word false, if myparam is not explicitly made boolean.Non-empty strings are cast to true in a Boolean context.That expression could be rewritten to explicitly compare strings: eq(parameters['myparam'], 'true').

Parameters aren't limited to scalar strings.See the list of data types.For example, using the object type:

# azure-pipelines.ymljobs:- template: process.yml parameters: pool: # this parameter is called `pool` vmImage: ubuntu-latest # and it's a mapping rather than a string# process.ymlparameters:- name: 'pool' type: object default: {}jobs:- job: build pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}

Variable reuse

Variables can be defined in one YAML and included in another template. This could be useful if you want to store all of your variables in one file. If you're using a template to include variables in a pipeline, the included template can only be used to define variables. You can use steps and more complex logic when you're extending from a template.Use parameters instead of variables when you want to restrict type.

In this example, the variable favoriteVeggie is included in azure-pipelines.yml.

# File: vars.ymlvariables: favoriteVeggie: 'brussels sprouts'
# File: azure-pipelines.ymlvariables:- template: vars.yml # Template referencesteps:- script: echo My favorite vegetable is ${{ variables.favoriteVeggie }}.

Variable templates with parameter

You can pass parameters to variables with templates. In this example, you're passing the DIRECTORY parameter to a RELEASE_COMMAND variable.

# File: templates/package-release-with-params.ymlparameters:- name: DIRECTORY type: string default: "." # defaults for any parameters that specified with "." (current directory)variables:- name: RELEASE_COMMAND value: grep version ${{ parameters.DIRECTORY }}/package.json | awk -F \" '{print $4}' 

When you consume the template in your pipeline, specify values forthe template parameters.

# File: azure-pipelines.ymlvariables: # Global variables - template: package-release-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: DIRECTORY: "azure/checker"pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'stages:- stage: Release_Stage displayName: Release Version variables: # Stage variables - template: package-release-with-params.yml # Template reference parameters: DIRECTORY: "azure/todo-list" jobs: - job: A steps: - bash: $(RELEASE_COMMAND) #output release command

Reference template paths

Template paths can be an absolute path within the repository or relative to the file that does the including.

To use an absolute path, the template path must start with a /. All other paths are considered relative.

Here's an example nested hierarchy.

|+-- fileA.yml|+-- dir1/ | +-- fileB.yml | +-- dir2/ | +-- fileC.yml

Then, in fileA.yml you can reference fileB.yml and fileC.yml like this.

steps:- template: dir1/fileB.yml- template: dir1/dir2/fileC.yml

If fileC.yml is your starting point, you can include fileA.yml and fileB.yml like this.

steps:- template: ../../fileA.yml- template: ../fileB.yml

When fileB.yml is your starting point, you can include fileA.yml and fileC.yml like this.

steps:- template: ../fileA.yml- template: dir2/fileC.yml

Alternatively, fileB.yml could refer to fileA.yml and fileC.yml using absolute paths like this.

steps:- template: /fileA.yml- template: /dir1/dir2/fileC.yml

Use other repositories

You can keep your templates in other repositories.For example, suppose you have a core pipeline that you want all of your app pipelines to use.You can put the template in a core repo and then refer to it from each of your app repos:

# Repo: Contoso/BuildTemplates# File: common.ymlparameters:- name: 'vmImage' default: 'ubuntu-22.04' type: stringjobs:- job: Build pool: vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }} steps: - script: npm install - script: npm test

Now you can reuse this template in multiple pipelines.Use the resources specification to provide the location of the core repo.When you refer to the core repo, use @ and the name you gave it in resources.

# Repo: Contoso/LinuxProduct# File: azure-pipelines.ymlresources: repositories: - repository: templates type: github name: Contoso/BuildTemplatesjobs:- template: common.yml@templates # Template reference
# Repo: Contoso/WindowsProduct# File: azure-pipelines.ymlresources: repositories: - repository: templates type: github name: Contoso/BuildTemplates ref: refs/tags/v1.0 # optional ref to pin tojobs:- template: common.yml@templates # Template reference parameters: vmImage: 'windows-latest'

For type: github, name is <identity>/<repo> as in the examples above.For type: git (Azure Repos), name is <project>/<repo>.If that project is in a separate Azure DevOps organization, you'll need to configure a service connection of type Azure Repos/Team Foundation Server with access to the project and include that in YAML:

resources: repositories: - repository: templates name: Contoso/BuildTemplates endpoint: myServiceConnection # Azure DevOps service connectionjobs:- template: common.yml@templates

Repositories are resolved only once, when the pipeline starts up.After that, the same resource is used for the duration of the pipeline.Only the template files are used.Once the templates are fully expanded, the final pipeline runs as if it were defined entirely in the source repo.This means that you can't use scripts from the template repo in your pipeline.

If you want to use a particular, fixed version of the template, be sure to pin to a ref.The refs are either branches (refs/heads/<name>) or tags (refs/tags/<name>).If you want to pin a specific commit, first create a tag pointing to that commit, then pin to that tag.


If no ref is specified, the pipeline will default to using refs/heads/main.

You can also pin to a specific commit in Git with the SHA value for a repository resource. The SHA value is a 40-character checksum hash that uniquely identifies the commit.

resources: repositories: - repository: templates type: git name: Contoso/BuildTemplates ref: 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678

You may also use @self to refer to the repository where the original pipeline was found.This is convenient for use in extends templates if you want to refer back to contents in the extending pipeline's repository.For example:

# Repo: Contoso/Central# File: template.ymljobs:- job: PreBuild steps: [] # Template reference to the repo where this template was # included from - consumers of the template are expected # to provide a "BuildJobs.yml"- template: BuildJobs.yml@self- job: PostBuild steps: []
# Repo: Contoso/MyProduct# File: azure-pipelines.ymlresources: repositories: - repository: templates type: git name: Contoso/Centralextends: template: template.yml@templates
# Repo: Contoso/MyProduct# File: BuildJobs.ymljobs:- job: Build steps: []


How can I use variables inside of templates?

There are times when it may be useful to set parameters to values based on variables. Parameters are expanded early in processing a pipeline run so not all variables are available. To see what predefined variables are available in templates, see Use predefined variables.

In this example, the predefined variables Build.SourceBranch and Build.Reason are used in conditions in template.yml.

# File: azure-pipelines.ymltrigger:- mainextends: template: template.yml
# File: template.ymlsteps:- script: echo Build.SourceBranch = $(Build.SourceBranch) # outputs refs/heads/main- script: echo Build.Reason = $(Build.Reason) # outputs IndividualCI- ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main') }}: - script: echo I run only if Build.SourceBranch = refs/heads/main - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI') }}: - script: echo I run only if Build.Reason = IndividualCI - script: echo I run after the conditions
Templates - Azure Pipelines (2024)


What is a template in Azure pipeline? ›

Templates let you define reusable content, logic, and parameters in YAML pipelines. To work with templates effectively, you'll need to have a basic understanding of Azure Pipelines key concepts such as stages, steps, and jobs. Templates can help you speed up development.

What is a template in YAML? ›

The YAML templates, also known as remote YAML definitions, are templates with parameters that can be inherited by pipelines. This feature is useful to quickly set up new projects and update configuration across multiple pipelines at once.

Where are the templates in Azure DevOps? ›

Select Project settings > Team configuration > Templates.

What is Azure template? ›

The template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for your project. The template uses declarative syntax, which lets you state what you intend to deploy without having to write the sequence of programming commands to create it.

What is template in pipeline? ›

Pipeline Templates help ensure that Pipeline builds conform to organizational standards, and they work like this: A small team (in this guide, we refer to this team as a shared services team) defines a Pipeline Template (or collection of Pipeline Templates) in a centralized Pipeline Template Catalog.

What is the key advantage of using Azure templates? ›

Templates help you implement an infrastructure-as-code solution for Azure. Your organization can repeatedly and reliably deploy the required infrastructure to different environments.

What is template in DevOps? ›

What is a DevOps template? The DevOps template is pre-formatted to better integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. DevOps is a set of practices that emphasizes team empowerment, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation.

Why do we template YAML? ›

The good side of templating

I believe that templating YAML is a very efficient and very explicit way of manifesting your intent: Make this little part of configuration that I'm looking at right now dynamically configurable.

What is template use? ›

Templates are pre-formatted documents designed to create commonly used document types such as letters, fax forms, or envelopes. Some of the advantages of using templates are: Templates simplify the creation of documents.

Can an Azure pipeline template have variables? ›

You can use a variable group to make variables available across multiple pipelines. Use templates to define variables in one file that are used in multiple pipelines.

What are process templates in Azure DevOps? ›

Defines the building blocks of the work item tracking system and other subsystems you access through Azure DevOps. Process templates are only used with the Hosted XML and On-premises XML process models. You can customize projects by modifying and importing process template XML definition files.

What are Azure template specs? ›

A template spec is a resource type for storing an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) in Azure for later deployment. This resource type enables you to share ARM templates with other users in your organization.

What is Azure deployment template? ›

ARM templates are JSON or Bicep files that define the resources you need to deploy for your solution. To understand the concepts associated with deploying and managing your Azure solutions, see template deployment overview. After completing the tutorial, you deploy an Azure Storage account.

What is the difference between template and blueprint in Azure? ›

A Template is the basic model from which each Server gets created. A Blueprint is a saved workflow that can be defined and re-played at any time on the platform. Package is an invoked piece of software, uploaded to the cloud platform, which customizes a Server Template.

What are templates in ADF? ›

The ARM template contains all information about your data factory pipeline, including pipeline activities, linked services, datasets etc. The manifest file contains information about the template description, template author, template tile icons and other metadata about the template.

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