The green cloud: How cloud computing can help the public sector achieve energy efficiency targets (2024)

Cloud computing offers an array of benefits for public sector organisations, particularly in light of soaring energy costs. Here, QuickThink Cloud explore the potential savings of the green cloud

Moving to the green cloud isn’t just common sense; it’s also an environmental imperative. Public sector organisations are facing increased pressure to move their operations into the cloud, both from stakeholders and the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy.

And for good reason: cloud computing is capable of improving energy efficiency by 93%, and producing 98% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than on premises IT infrastructure, according to the Microsoft-WSP collaborative study.

Energy Efficiency Targets

With better management of resources, optimised data storage, and the ability to match workloads with renewable energy availability; the green IT revolution is here. It’s time for public sector organisations to empower themselves with a tangible means of making significant energy reductions. We’re here to show you how.

What is the green cloud?

A green cloud is an approach to cloud computing that aims to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact when deploying digital devices and systems. Cloud services are inherently more sustainable than on-premises IT infrastructure. Not only do public cloud data centres consume energy more efficiently and offer fixed pricing structures, but they are also able to consolidate energy demand from multiple organisations – managing resource use better as a result.

Though organisations in the public sector can be wary of the disruption posed by cloud migrations, the entire process can be completed in a matter of days to exemplary standards. And, though each organisation will vary, one report contends that cloud migrations have the potential to reduce energy consumption by 65%, and carbon emission by 84%. It even puts savings on the total cost of ownership at 30-40%!

For many public sector organisations navigating public pressure and rising energy costs, these statistics will be enticing. The good news is that harnessing the power of green cloud computing is within your reach – you just need an expert cloud partner to take you there.

How Cloud Computing Can Boost Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector

Less Hardware

Migrating on premises IT systems to the cloud means organisations won’t require their own hardware to power software and applications. Instead of organisations managing their own equipment, a cloud hosting provider can take the burden, hosting and deploying IT infrastructure with greater efficiency at scale.

That means organisations will consume less energy and produce far less end of life IT waste. In 2019, electronic waste generation reached 53.6 million metric tonnes – a figure that urgently needs to be addressed.

High Density Storage

Servers need to be powered 24/7 by high carbon equipment, consuming vast amounts of energy and emitting large quantities of greenhouse gases in the process. Cloud computing requires less physical hardware to run large workloads and store large quantities of data, making it a more efficient method of operating ERP systems and applications. And using fewer resources means cutting organisational costs.

Consolidated Demand

Working with a cloud hosting provider to manage their IT infrastructure allows organisations to run multiple applications on the same server and even securely share server space with other organisations to limit wasted energy. That means overall fewer physical servers are required to deploy the same ERP software and applications, and resources can be shared via the network. Organisations working across multiple locations can also consolidate their cloud infrastructure, with many who have migrated reporting faster speeds – and there- fore reduced energy consumption.

Efficient Resource Use

A key feature to note about cloud computing is its flexibility. That means providers can dynamically scale resources up and down in order to meet demand, but limit potential energy wastage. This flexible allocation of resources means organisations only pay for what they use, offering another avenue for cost reductions, and cutting direct emissions. Cloud providers can also manage workload according to renewable energy availability, enabling those in the public sector to reduce their reliance on carbon-derived fuel.

Optimised Data Centre

It’s important to understand that not all cloud services are equal. Cloud data centres are naturally able to operate with better energy efficiency due to their scale, but not all of them will be implementing sustainability best practices. From the cooling system used by the data centre to the management of electronic waste, a number of factors contribute to the overall carbon footprint of your provider. At QuickThink Cloud our hosting partners have won awards for their energy saving initiatives, including the SIG GIGA Trophy for the implementation of innovative systems for cooling their data centres efficiently.

Indirect Benefits

Switching to the cloud can boost organisational sustainability in a number of other ways, too. First and foremost, it facilitates the trend for hybrid and remote working, minimising the emissions produced and energy required for staff to travel to and from work. It can also enable organisations to harness the power of virtual productivity tools and produce less paper waste as a result. For any public sector organisation looking to improve its environmental profile, moving to the cloud is an essential first step.

Public Sector Cloud Hosting: It’s Time to Make the Switch

Energy Efficient Cloud Hosting for the Public Sector

Rapidly increasing energy costs and increased calls for the public sector to adhere to environmental targets mean it’s never been a better time to switch to the cloud.

QuickThink Cloud provides public sector organisations with ERP and UNIT4 cloud hosting, managed services and expert technical consultancy. We believe the public sector deserves to reap the rewards of streamlined, optimised, energy efficient IT infrastructure – and should never settle for second best. Ready to go green? Let’s make your transformation happen.

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The green cloud: How cloud computing can help the public sector achieve energy efficiency targets (2024)


The green cloud: How cloud computing can help the public sector achieve energy efficiency targets? ›

Cloud services are inherently more sustainable than on-premises IT infrastructure. Not only do public cloud data centres consume energy more efficiently and offer fixed pricing structures, but they are also able to consolidate energy demand from multiple organisations – managing resource use better as a result.

What is the energy efficiency of green cloud computing? ›

The overall power consumption in the data center has a greater environmental impact in cloud computing. A contemporary data center with cutting-edge cooling systems and technologies must be built in order to maintain Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) levels between 1.1 and 1.2.

How can energy efficiency be achieved in cloud computing? ›

Increasing the use of renewable energy sources. Building energy-efficient data centres, for instance, by maximizing power usage efficiency (PUE). Recycling of maximum hardware. Adopting reuse of heat from computer servers.

How does cloud computing support green computing? ›

Shifting an on-premises IT infrastructure to the cloud means you use fewer servers, and this type uses less power, potentially having a lower impact on the environment. To reduce the overall need for energy in data centres, cloud providers strive to use optimised and modern hardware and software infrastructure.

What are the benefits of public cloud in cloud computing? ›

Advantages of public clouds:
  • Lower costs—no need to purchase hardware or software, and you pay only for the service you use.
  • No maintenance—your service provider provides the maintenance.
  • Near-unlimited scalability—on-demand resources are available to meet your business needs.

How does cloud computing affect efficiency? ›

Cost-Effective Efficiency:

Forget expensive hardware and software purchases. Cloud computing operates on a pay-as-you-go model, minimizing upfront costs and allowing you to avoid unnecessary expenses when scaling down.

Which benefits of cloud computing makes IT more energy-efficient? ›

Cloud computing is greener

By moving to the cloud, businesses can reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint by up to 90%. Rather than having in-house servers and software, businesses can use cloud-based services to access the same applications and data from any computer or device with an internet connection.

How do we achieve energy efficiency? ›

At home, you can save money on energy bills by making energy-efficient and weatherization upgrades—such as adding insulation, using LED lighting, and installing a heat pump—that reduce your energy use and can improve comfort.

How is energy efficiency achieved? ›

For example, more energy-efficient cars, trucks and aircraft reduce oil demand in the transport sector; more efficient steel, cement and chemical manufacturing reduces fossil fuel use in industry; and better insulation and more efficient appliances reduce the electricity and direct fossil fuel consumption of buildings.

What does efficiency mean in cloud computing? ›

What is Cloud Efficiency? Cloud efficiency is the ability to make the best possible use of cloud resources at the lowest cost with minimal waste and unnecessary effort. Specific cloud efficiency yardsticks will vary from one organization to the next based on their individual requirements.

How does green computing help? ›

The importance of green computing

The key mission of green computing is to reduce energy consumption. This not only cuts energy costs for organizations, but it also reduces carbon footprints, particularly of IT assets.

How does green computing work? ›

Green computing, or sustainable computing, is the practice of maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing environmental impact in the ways computer chips, systems and software are designed and used.

What is green computing advantage? ›

Reusing and recycling hardware reduces the demand for new resources, avoids environmental pollution and encourages more responsible management of technology infrastructure, thus contributing to a more sustainable approach to cloud computing.

What is public use of cloud computing? ›

Public cloud is a type of computing where resources are offered by a third-party provider via the internet and shared by organizations and individuals who want to use or purchase them.

What are three advantages benefits of cloud computing? ›

The top 10 benefits of cloud computing topics
  • Accessibility anywhere, with any device.
  • Ability to get rid of most or all hardware and software.
  • Centralized data security.
  • Higher performance and availability.
  • Quick application deployment.
  • Instant business insights.
  • Business continuity.
  • Price-performance and cost savings.

Why is public cloud more secure? ›

Many organizations believe that their sensitive data is more secure in a private cloud. However, the reality is that public clouds are traditionally more secure because most are maintained by security experts who understand cloud security challenges and how to mitigate them.

Is the cloud energy-efficient? ›

Microsoft's study shows that their cloud services are exceptionally energy-efficient, exceeding on-premise data centers by 93%.

Is green building energy-efficient? ›

These buildings are independently verified to perform better than 75 percent of similar buildings nationwide. On average, they use 35 percent less energy—and cause 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions—than their peers. Remember, it can't be green if it's not blue!

How much energy does cloud computing save? ›

Benefits of cloud over on-premises IT

Furthermore, research by Berkeley Lab and Northwestern University, funded by Google, found that businesses could save between 60% and 85% in energy costs when they change over to cloud-based services.

What is the energy in green technology? ›

In the context of climate change mitigation, green technology focuses on developing and deploying renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. These technologies harness natural elements to generate electricity, mitigating our dependence on carbon-emitting fossil fuels.

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