What Does a Knee Brace Do? (2024)

What does a knee brace do?

A knee brace supports your knee and holds it in place. Knee braces work by keeping your knee in alignment. They’re usually made of stiff plastic or metal with cushions and straps that wrap around your knee and leg.

A knee brace helps you avoid stressing your knee joint and keeps it from moving too far or too suddenly. How much resistance and support a brace gives you depends on which type you need.

Types of knee braces

The most common types of knee brace include:

  • Unloader knee braces: Unloader braces get their name from how they support your knee. They help absorb some of your weight and “unload” pressure off your knee to other parts of your leg that are strong enough to bear it. They’re the most common type of brace providers suggest for knee arthritis.
  • Patellofemoral knee braces: Patellofemoral braces protect and support your kneecap (your patella) and the front of your knee.
  • Knee immobilizer braces: These are knee braces you wear while you’re recovering from surgery. They’re usually stiffer and prevent some (or all) movement.
  • Functional knee braces: Like their name sounds, functional braces help you safely use your knee. They let you move your knee, but prevent it from moving too much or too far in one direction. They’re the most common type of brace people wear after a knee injury.
  • Prophylactic braces: Athletes wear these braces to prevent knee injuries. They’re especially popular among people who play contact sports like football or rugby. Ask your healthcare provider if you should wear a prophylactic knee brace before you buy one.

Your healthcare provider will tell you where you can get a knee brace and if you’ll need it custom-fitted. Some braces are available over the counter (OTC) or at retail stores. Other types are only available with a prescription.

Knee sleeves

Knee sleeves are made of tight elastic material that lightly squeezes your knee. They’re not actually braces the way other types on this list are, but they’re the most common type of knee support people wear.

How do I put on a knee brace?

Most knee braces fit around your knee with stretchy elastic or Velcro® straps. The brace should be snug and secure without being too tight. It shouldn’t hurt or feel like it’s cutting off circulation to your leg.

It might feel strange or like the brace is pushing your knee into alignment (especially at first), but it should never hurt or make knee pain worse. Talk to your healthcare provider or physical therapist before wearing a new brace. They’ll help you get used to putting it on, wearing it and moving with it.

What Does a Knee Brace Do? (2024)


What Does a Knee Brace Do? ›

A hinged knee brace can support and stabilize an injured knee, limiting movement while your knee heals. Hinges on each side of the knee help prevent hyperextension of the knee and offers protection of ligament injuries. It may also reduce pain and pressure if you have arthritis in your knee.

What does a brace do for your knee? ›

A knee brace supports your knee and holds it in place. Knee braces work by keeping your knee in alignment. They're usually made of stiff plastic or metal with cushions and straps that wrap around your knee and leg. A knee brace helps you avoid stressing your knee joint and keeps it from moving too far or too suddenly.

What are the health benefits of a knee brace? ›

In general, braces provide knee support for osteoarthritis and can reduce knee pain. Each type of knee brace for osteoarthritis works in different ways. Braces may apply compression (pressure) to your soft tissues, stabilize your knee, or redistribute your weight.

Does knee brace really work? ›

“There is no medical research that says a knee brace is a cure for knee problems, but if it helps the symptoms and provides peace of mind, it is okay,” he says. A common knee brace for arthritic pain relief is an unloader brace. These are designed to “unload” stress that is caused by arthritis in the inner knee.

What does a knee brace prevent? ›

Knee braces are supports to be worn when you have pain in your knee. Some people use them to prevent knee injuries during sports. Braces are made from combinations of metal, foam, plastic, or elastic material and straps. They come in many sizes, colors, and designs.

How many hours a day should you wear a knee brace? ›

General Recommendations. In the initial stages of recovery or following a knee injury, wearing a knee brace for 2 to 4 hours at a time can provide good support and stability. Gradually, as your knee strengthens and the healing progresses, you may not need to wear your brace for as long.

Is it good to wear knee support while walking? ›

Knee braces can provide support to your knee joint and help prevent injuries during exercises and sports activities. In some cases, knee braces are also used to manage pain. However, what you need to know is that, if it is painful enough to use knee support, then you should be taking a break.

Should you wear a knee brace all day? ›

For moderate to severe pain, a brace can be worn from anything between 2 weeks to 6 months depending on the specific injury and needs. For this purpose, a brace would be worn for longer hours throughout the day and during activities and possibly in combination with a strengthening program.

When is a knee brace needed? ›

After knee surgery like a meniscus repair or an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair, a knee brace may help immobilize the joint so it can heal properly. A Bledsoe brace or a knee immobilizer may be worn initially. After healing, a functional brace can be worn during athletic activity.

Should I wear a knee brace if my knee hurts? ›

If you have early onset, mild arthritis in your knee, a neoprene sleeve can provide support, compression and warmth. These simple braces can be worn as long as they continue to provide relief. Some athletes wear a sleeve or tights that go below the knee for compression and comfort.

Does a knee brace keep your knee from buckling? ›

A special brace called an "unloading brace" may help take some of the pressure off the worn part of your knee when you are standing. An unloading brace does not cure your arthritis. But it may help relieve symptoms such as knee pain or buckling when you move around.

Should you sleep in knee brace? ›

While sleeping with knee braces may help your body's natural healing processes, it can also come with some drawbacks. For example, prolonged wear of a knee brace during sleep can lead to skin irritation, rashes, or pressure sores, especially if the brace is not properly fitted or if your skin is sensitive.

Should you wear anything under a knee brace? ›

Socks or Sleeves Underneath

Compression sleeves can be worn under the brace to offer extra support and reduce swelling.

When should you wear a knee brace? ›

After knee surgery like a meniscus repair or an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair, a knee brace may help immobilize the joint so it can heal properly. A Bledsoe brace or a knee immobilizer may be worn initially. After healing, a functional brace can be worn during athletic activity.

When would you need a knee brace? ›

Knee pain looks different for every individual, but one thing for certain is that you don't need to be in constant pain in order to wear a knee brace. One of the most common indicators that you may need a knee brace is pain worsening during exercise, along with pain subsiding during rest.

How do I know if I need a knee brace? ›

Do the muscles around your knee feel weak? Does it feel like your knee is not supporting you while standing? Do you feel that you are at risk for falling? If you are not able to normally walk, get up and demonstrate your limitations to your doctor.

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