What is Extended Detection and Response (XDR)? Why is it so Critical? | Outsource IT (2024)

The cybersecurity threat landscape continues to evolve daily. As the tactics cyber criminals employ to defeat the defenses devised by cybersecurity experts change, new defensive techniques are developed to fill the security gap.

The latest buzzword making the rounds in the cybersecurity world is Extended Detection and Response (XDR). In this article, we will discuss XDR in detail and cover the pros and cons of moving to an XDR solution for cybersecurity. We will also offer a few tips for organizations considering implementing an XDR solution.

What Is XDR?

Extended Detection and Response technology is a more comprehensive version of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). EDR focused on securing the workstations and network devices inside an intranet’s perimeter. This strategy proved to be a great way to combat the problem of malware entering a workplace network through tactics like spear phishing and insider fraud. Cybercriminals, however, have been able to find other ways to breach networks at non-traditional endpoints like mobile devices, cloud applications, and IoT devices. The extension of endpoint security to these new categories of devices has been dubbed Extended Detection and Response.

Because XDR security solutions protect network devices other than employee workstations, the technology is also sometimes known as “cross layer” or “any data source” detection and response. The basic idea is to create a comprehensive monitoring and response platform that covers all the potential ways that a data breach or cyberattack can occur.

The Pros and Cons of an XDR Technology

As the name suggests, the primary advantage of an XDR security solution is better coverage of all networked devices and assets that put an organization at risk of a cyberattack. XDR solutions also provide many other advantages such as:

* Integrated monitoring improves full network visibility for cybersecurity staff.

* Automated network traffic analytics anticipate cyberattacks across workstation, mobile, network, cloud, and IoT devices.

* Holistic monitoring reduces the time to detect cyberattacks as they happen.

* Faster mitigation when a breach is discovered.

* AI and automation tools that enhance the capabilities of human security staff.

While many of these advantages are not new to cybersecurity, XDR solutions bring them all together to provide comprehensive protection. In the past, many components like automated monitoring and mitigation tools were not integrated into a single solution.

The downsides of adopting an XDR solution tend to be the same downsides to any new information technology. Organizations will need to carefully assess whether an XDR solution fits their security needs and that the costs of replacing existing measures are offset by better risk management and other savings. The cons of implementing an XDR solution might be:

* The additional costs for purchasing software tools, retraining employees, or hiring expert staff.

* The time and expense of planning the implementation of an XDR solution and develop custom integrations.

* The complexity of managing all of an organization’s security and regulatory risks.

* Costs of maintenance and long-term enhancements to keep up with changing threats.

Depending on the financial, technical, and regulatory requirements, an organization may not need to change the security measures and tools it already has in place. Instead, upgrading one or more smaller tools may be enough to cover unmitigated risks.

Tips for Organizations Considering an XDR Solution

XDR solutions are available from many vendors who also provide the software and training an organization may need to implement an XDR security suite. This reduces the cost of in-house development; however it also requires organizations to exercise due diligence in evaluating which solution best fits their regulatory and security needs. Here are the three primary points worth considering:

Integration of Software Tools

It is important that a broad network security package like an XDR solution have seamless integration of its monitoring and mitigation tools. Integration, however, can mean several things that make the combination of tools function as a coherent whole. First, cybersecurity staff should be able to quickly view monitoring information across the entire networked IT infrastructure of an organization. Second, the solution should include a robust API that makes it possible to integrate the solution with custom software or existing reporting applications. This second point will be more important for large organizations with custom IT systems.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

The ability of human staff to track all the various systems of today’s IT technology is limited. Additionally, security incidents can be too fast moving to mitigate risks manually. That is why modern cybersecurity solutions incorporate automation and AI tools. These tools, however, should be carefully evaluated by security experts. It behooves organizations to consult with automation experts before committing to an XDR solution.

Usability and Training Resources

The human element of any security solution is key to its success. An XDR solution’s usability by an organization’s employees and security staff should be evaluated just as closely as its integration and automation features. The training resources offered by the vendor should also be an important factor to consider. This includes training for cybersecurity staff, API training for developers, and security training for the organization’s workforce. All three of these skillsets should be covered by an XDR solution.

XDR Solution Implementation

Cybersecurity threats continue to evolve and become more expensive to mitigate. Organizations exposed to the risks that the various types of cyberattack pose need to stay ahead of the curve to manage those costs. The good news is that cybersecurity professionals with expertise in assessing and mitigating these risks can be contracted when the expertise is lacking in-house. Whether an organization needs a comprehensive XDR solution or simply improve existing measures, Outsource IT can take the worry out of it.

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What is Extended Detection and Response (XDR)? Why is it so Critical? | Outsource IT (2024)


What is Extended Detection and Response (XDR)? Why is it so Critical? | Outsource IT? ›

XDR collects and correlates data across email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, and networks, enabling visibility and context into advanced threats. Threats can then be analyzed, prioritized, hunted, and remediated to prevent data loss and security breaches.

What is XDR and why it matters? ›

Extended detection and response or XDR is a new approach to threat detection and response that provides holistic protection against cyberattacks, unauthorized access, and misuse.

What is XDR used for? ›

XDR (extended detection and response) collects and automatically correlates data across multiple security layers – email, endpoint, server, cloud workload, and network. This allows for faster detection of threats and improved investigation and response times through security analysis.

What are the pros and cons of XDR? ›

Pros and Cons of XDR

XDR provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to threat detection and response, with advanced automation and orchestration capabilities. However, XDR solutions can be expensive and complex to implement and maintain, require skilled personnel to manage, and may generate false positives.

Which security issue does extended detection and response XDR address? ›

XDR security provides advanced threat detection and response capabilities including: Detection and response to targeted attacks. Native support for behavior analysis of users and technology assets. Threat intelligence including shared local threat intelligence coupled with externally acquired threat intelligence ...

What is XDR in simple words? ›

XDR (extended detection and response) collects and automatically correlates data across multiple security layers – email, endpoint, server, cloud workload, and network. This allows for faster detection of threats and improved investigation and response times through security analysis. XDR.

What is XDR and how does IT work? ›

Managed XDR (MXDR) is a service-led security solution that uses a wide range of telemetry sources to better unify and automate incident investigation, analysis, and response. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is the technology at the heart of MXDR.

What is an example of XDR? ›

For example, when a SIEM platform generates an alert, instead of having security analysts manually go into endpoint security systems or cloud systems to investigate further, XDR can do this automatically. XDR also enables more advanced analytics.

What is extended detection and response? ›

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is a consolidation of tools and data that provides extended visibility, analysis, and response across endpoints, workloads, users, and networks.

What is XDR in information security? ›

IXDR is a service providing 24x7 threat monitoring, detection and response on an open XDR platform that leverages threat intelligence research, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms and modern data pipelines to help organizations drastically reduce the response time to cyber threats, working to ...

What is the disadvantage of XDR? ›

Disadvantages of XDR

Costly: XDR can be a costly solution, especially for smaller organizations with limited budgets. Difficult to integrate with legacy systems: XDR may be difficult to integrate with legacy systems, which can increase implementation costs and complexity.

What are the limitations of XDR? ›

One of the biggest disadvantages of XDR security is its efficiency in terms of threat detection and response. This is because traditional XDR security relies on manual processes, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Can XDR replace antivirus? ›

Unlike traditional antivirus solutions that focus on individual endpoints, XDR adopts a holistic approach by aggregating and correlating data from multiple sources across an organization's entire IT ecosystem. This includes endpoints, networks, cloud environments, and more.

Why XDR is better than EDR? ›

By unifying the detection and analysis of cyber threats against an organization's network, cloud workspaces, and endpoints, XDR can more effectively ward off cyberattacks than EDR alone. The initial purpose of an EDR system was to provide perimeter-wide protection for an enterprise network.

What is the difference between network detection and response and XDR? ›

XDR – Combines endpoint devices, traffic, cloud, and applications, delivering a holistic security approach; EDR – Secures all endpoint devices, providing a robust defense at the device level; NDR – Focuses on the network and the traffic between devices, offering insights into network-level threats and anomalies.

Is XDR a SIEM tool? ›

XDR (extended detection and response) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to threat detection and response by correlating data from extended detection and response curves. SIEM (security information and event management) focuses on log management, real-time event monitoring, and compliance management.

Why is XDR better than Siem? ›

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) are both enterprise cybersecurity solutions. But while XDR and SIEM both pull and analyze data from multiple sources to detect cyber threats, XDR includes advanced cybersecurity functionality.

How does Gartner define XDR? ›

Share. Gartner define XDR as: “… a platform that integrates, correlates and contextualizes data and alerts from multiple security prevention, detection and response components.

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