How to write a 12 mark essay - Paper One exam questions - Higher Modern Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize (2024)

How to write a 12 mark essay

Like a 20 mark essay there is no need for an introduction but unlike a 20 mark it is not recommended that you write one as it takes up time – it is best to get straight into answering the question.

The main body of the essay paragraphs should be constructed the same as paragraphs for 20 mark essays.

The difference between the Evaluate and Analyse questions is that the former needs you to come to a judgement and use evaluative language. It is probably best to have an evaluative conclusion at the end to ensure you have made an evaluative judgement.

For both types of 12 mark questions three detailed paragraphs following the SEE system plus some analysis and evaluation should be enough for the twelve marks with the addition of a conclusion/evaluation at the end for the "Evaluation" questions.

How to write a 12 mark essay - Paper One exam questions - Higher Modern Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize (2024)
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