What is Green Cloud Architecture | IGI Global (2024)

Green cloud architecture (GCA) is an IDC architecture that aims to reduce data-center power consumption. The advantage of this architecture is that it guarantees real-time performance, while saving in the total energy consumption of the IDC.

Published in Chapter:

Green Cloud Architecture to E-Learning Solutions

Palanivel Kuppusamy (Pondicherry University, India)

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8446-9.ch016


Electronic learning or e-learning is the use of technology to enable learners to learn from anywhere and anytime. The delivery involves the use of electronic devices in some way to make available learning contents. Today, e-learning has drastically changed the educational environment. The e-learning methodology is a good example of green computing. Green computing refers to the study and practice of using computing resources in an eco-friendly manner. It is the practice of using computing resources in an energy efficient and environmentally friendly manner. In order to reduce costs, education services can be provided using cloud technology. The green cloud computing solutions save energy, reduce operational costs, and reduce carbon footprints on the environment. Hence, the objective is to provide a green cloud architecture to e-learning solutions. This architecture is addressing the issues such as improving resource use and reducing power consumption.

What is Green Cloud Architecture | IGI Global (2024)
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